August 21 – 22, 2014


The main theme of the conference is ‘Space for The Next Generation’ Concept, Idea and Practice (in Indonesia). It has a specific goal to offer a unique platform for the diverse, interdisciplinary and multi-sector perspectives on Indonesian architecture and planning.



  1. Historical & Heritage Issues
  2. Traditional & Contemporary Perspectives
  3. Socio-Cultural-Political & Economic Perspectives
  4. Disaster Resilient Perspectives
  5. Environmental & Green Perspectives
  6. Urban Perspectives
  7. Educational Perspectives
  8. Future Perspectives of Indonesian Architecture and Planning


Invited Speaker

  1. Two speakers from Japan
  2. One speaker from European country
  3. One speaker from other Asian country
  4. Two speakers from Indonesian architecture practitioners
  5. One speaker from Department of Architecture and Planning and Magister, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada



Proceeding of the 2nd Biennale ICIAP, 2014: “Better Space Better Living” can be downloaded here.

Categories: Past Events


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